Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Roll on bass fishing......

  • This fantastic weather we have been having lately has really got me thinking about the upcoming bass season here in south Devon. While bass can be caught in many areas virtually all year round, personally I really like catching them off the rocks on spinning gear. That predator eye (photo above) never fails to get me going and often just being out there is enough for me (or at least that is my excuse for when I get skunked). I reckon I'll start around here in mid-April and I can't wait for those early mornings and late evenings spent casting high-tech bits of plastic for these magnificent fish. My diary is really starting to fill up with various work committments, but hopefully I will be able to fit in a decent number of sessions. Plus of course I have to head over to south east Ireland to fish with my mate Graham - this is the best bass fishing I know of and so few anglers know anything about it. See a bunch of photos by clicking here. It really is that good.

  • You could even buy the UK's first professionally made bass fishing DVD by clicking here - presented by yours truly of course. There is some awesome fishing on it and we had a blast making it.

  • Do not for one second forget how important breathable chest waders are for mobile bass fishing, indeed I tend to live in mine. I use either the Hardy EWS waders and boots, or the cheaper but very good Greys GRX waders and boots. Look after them and they will last for ages. Too many anglers simply do not know how lightweight breathable waders will change your fishing life for the better.

  • I have stumbled on a fantastic Russian black metal band called Walknut and I have ordered their latest CD. Cick here to hear a track. I really like finding these somewhat obscure bands that make some really good metal, especially from some of the eastern European countries. One of my favourite finds of the last few years is the outstanding and mysterious Drudkh from the Ukraine. Listen to some of their music here. A lot of this kind of music can be bought from the excellent Supernal Music people, click here to access their site.

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