- I'm starting to get ready for this Argentina golden dorado trip that I am leaving for on Friday - it's going to be a hell of a journey over there, but who gives when there is the chance of seeing these awesome looking fish at the end of it. I am leaving London Heathrow late on Friday, flying into Sao Paulo (Brazil), and then connecting down to Buenos Aires (Argentina). A night there and then we fly down to the fishing lodge the next day. Four days photographing and fishing and then back home for me while the other guys connect into Guatemala for the sailfish. There are not that many people who have fished La Zona for these freaky big golden dorado. Buzzing around my head most of the time now are loads of different ideas for photographing them. It should be very cool. When I get back I will create a web gallery of the trip, but in the meantime, check out my current gallery here.
- Remember that I have made various updates to my website recently, check here for full details. There is plenty more that I want to do with my site, but I just need a bit more time. When I get around to it, all details will be posted on this blog.
- And still on the subject of photography, I came across this website here of outrageously pretty photographs, mainly of fly fishing and landscapes in the American west. Click here to see some stunning fly fishing photographs that could grace any wall. Just how seriously am I looking forward to Montana this June ? I stand by what I always say - fishing is the world's greatest excuse to visit cool places. I really like finding really good photos of fishing, and I would highly recommend taking a look at this website. Find out more about the photographer Ken Takata here.
- Below is a somewhat different photo of a peeling shore crab (a peeler to us UK shore anglers) that I shot using my Canon 100mm f2.8 macro lens. I lay down on the ground somewhere up the Kingsbridge estuary to really make that big claw the whole point of the photo, and I deliberately used a large aperture to blow the rest of the crab out of focus. You might have seen this photo before, for it was used as the cover of the current Grey's sea catalogue. Click here to get an idea of just how good the Greys sea fishing gear is. I use a lot of it for my fishing and it has done me proud for quite some time now.
- Of course, as any self-respecting UK shore angler knows, peeler crab is one of the top sea fishing baits there is. Bass, cod, thornbacks, wrasse, flounder, you name it, most species will eat it. Where I fish with Graham Hill in Ireland, if you haven't got prime local peeler crab for your surf fishing, you might as well forget it. And when those bass are on it, the fishing can be mayhem. Nothing beats a bucket full of this prime bait.
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