- I was really pleased to find out that I have got the cover of the new bass fishing catalogue from Veals Mail Order - I believe it is going to be coming out with the next issue of Sea Angler that is out in a month's time, so make sure to check it out. I have always had a lot of time for the people at Veals Mail Order and I really respect the way that they have identified a growing market in bass fishing and are doing their absolute best to offer a stack of different products at various price points.

- Lures, lures, and more lures !! Are we all mad ? It's Veals who do those killer Maria Chase bass lures and the awesome Varivas braid that I use all the time. There are some really good tackle shops and mail order/internet companies out there now who are really getting into what I would term "modern bass fishing", and it gives punters like you and me a far wider choice of bits and pieces to buy.

- There are far too many spinning reels out there to choose from, but I still reckon anybody is going to have to a long way to find better models than the Shimano ones. I noticed that my mate Del still has a couple of the classic 5000 model Baitrunners on his mullet rods over in the Isles of Scilly - loads of guys I know use these reels all the time, indeed I have a couple here as well that I would never part with. An angler and his gear eh ?
- My wife and I got back from the Isles of Scilly early Monday evening - they cancelled the boat due to strong winds (didn't seem as bad as the winds we had on the journey over), so they flew us back to Cornwall on the Skybus. My wife was mightily relieved as she did not want to go through another rough as rats boat crossing !! Jess was not so amused as she had to sit in a dog-box for the short flight, but we got back in one piece and headed off to pick up the girls. It's a hell of a view of Land's End when you fly in. Stunning.
- I have been to the Isles of Scilly a number of times now, and every time I get back I start thinking about going back as soon as possible. Life kind of gets in the way sometimes, but the islands really are that special. From a fishing point of view, I don't think shore fishing gets much more dramatic. Just those brief few hours deep spinning for pollack did it for me, and I love the fact that Del has managed to create a thriving taxi business on his home island and gets to enjoy some of the most unspoilt fishing there is.
Nice one Henry! My only wish is that Veals would update their lures selection a bit now that the bass fishing seems to be becoming more popular. Think they've had the same lures on sale for about the past 3 years!!
The Scillies... been waiting or a chance to get over there for ages now! The one time I did make it was years ago with my parents. We had one of those hellish ferry crossings too!! Very! If I go back any time soon I'd love to fly down the coast from Newquay on a clear day - just for the views!
Great cover shot Henry, was that a still taken from your Bass fishing DVD. I have used Veals a lot and they are great company to deal with and helpful with advice also. Looking forward to the catalogue so I can spend a few hours browsing all the "bright and shiney" things and scaring my credit card.
Ben - bear in mind I have only seen a couple of pages of the new catalogue, and I would hazard a guess that there are a few new lures in there. But you can't get away from the fact that those Maria Chase lures are still killers !! Gotta love the Scillonian, what a vessel....?
Steve - thanks for that. No, it's not a still from the DVD, I shot the photo out in Ireland last year. Not sure that a DVD still could ever be good enough quality for a cover. Wallets beware of the new catalogue !! Yes, Veals are a fantastic company to deal with.
Definitely! Always found Veals brilliant to be honest. ...although I've never had any luck getting my hands on a Silver/Holo Chase yet! Always had to settle for other colours. They seem to sell out sooooo quickly. One day!
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